Thursday, September 11, 2008

Starting Over, Again

After breakfast Monday, I retrieved the car from the underground garage and drove west toward Strasbourg. After crossing the wide Rhine River, I was in France. I was surprised that there was no border check when entering France on this particular road as I had my passport ready for review.

I filled the gas tank in Germany where I could understand which gas was unleaded and where I understood the payment procedure (pump first, then pay, like times of old in the U.S.), I then drove about 20 minutes to Strasbourg hoping to see a sign for the TGV, the high speed train station, which is located just a few blocks from my apartment. No luck on seeing "TGV" on a sign, nor the street name on which the station is located, so I proceeded to circle around and around and around, off and on the A4, the E25, and the A352 at a reduced speed so as not to drain the gas tank to below the "full" mark. I had no clue where I was. Eventually I exited at a sortie, exit, marked "Gare" and pulled to the side of the road to show a kind lady my map. She pointed straight ahead and, lo and behold, there was a modern, glass enclosed train station, of course not designated with the helpful letters "TGV". I proceeded to the front of the station, trying to avoid pedestrians and zooming bicyclists as I went, and spotted the Europcar office on the left side of the street. It took 8 minutes to circle back around and park, illegally, on the street in front of the office, where I waited 15 minutes in line behind a man who has apparently never rented a car in his life and needed a detailed explanation of everything on the contract, repeated 3 times, before I could ask an agent where I was to park the car. As luck would have it I had to circle the block and park in a narrow drive behind a gate, where I blocked all traffic coming and going from the rental car lot. I quick trotted back in and handed the agent the keys so she could move my car and unplug the log jam I'd created.

The agent processed my car return slowly and informed me I had to pay a 110 Euro one-way return fee, which I informed her I had already paid, in dollars, when I rented the car through Auto Europe online. Unfortunately, I did not have a copy of this paperwork with me as it was retained by the German agent. She said it would be straightened out and I would receive an invoice with a zero balance from Europcar by mail. I am watching my credit card closely in the event they charge me the fee in error.

The agent pointed me in the direction of Grand’ Rue and I hefted my 40 pound carry-on onto my back and firmly grasped the handle of my steamer trunk, and forced the accumulated bulk through the door and onto the busy street where I headed off in the right general direction. I could not manage all the luggage and the map and still navigate so I had to stop and ask directions a couple of times. The steamer trunk was not made for maneuverability so it was a challenge to dodge people, strollers, dogs on 20 foot leashes, and cyclists zipping this way and that. There are also numerous cafe's and eateries with tables on the sidewalk, so I was forever having to drag the trunk out into the street then back onto the sidewalk when I'd cleared the cafe'. I did find the correct address after 15 minutes or so and my landlady, Francoise, was happy to see me. Her English was outstanding and she happily showed me to my studio apartment complete with a small courtyard table, lighted stained glass window, 27" flat screen TV, and kitchen area with marble countertop. She was kind enough to loan me a cable for my computer so I could take advantage of the included internet service.

I settled in, unpacking and nesting, and then went out for a short walk. Being surrounded by the taller buildings of a city, I found myself disoriented and in a constant state of Where-the-hell-am-I? Francoise directed me to a couple of small grocery stores across the river and I set out to purchase the necessities. I elected to rest up for the remainder of the day and explore further the next day.

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