Friday, September 19, 2008


I am still fighting a cold. The temperature is between 50-60 degrees during the day, about the same as it is in Cortona, however I am freezing all the time. It doesn't help that my tiny courtyard only sees direct sun for about 10 minutes a day due to the high buildings surrounding it. It's also damp. I often have to brush the moss off my clothes drying on the rack outside before they're actually dry enough to wear. I am taking all my homeopathic remedies to fight my cold, but I am still sneezing, blowing my nose, shivering, and generally carrying on. I am going to FREEZE in Italy in November!

I decided to treat myself today by walking to a nearby bakery across the bridge and buying a Nutella croissant, but when I arrived they didn't have any. I got all excited for nothing! Perhaps tomorrow.

I walked down a different street today and found a lovely, wooden bridge from which to take some nice pictures of the river, edged by old and half-timbered buildings. As I focused my camera to take a shot, a tall, grey-haired man raced up, brushed past me and, when I moved to the side, fastened a metal chain across the street just to this side of the bridge. As I watched, the entire north-south facing bridge rotated slowly until it faced an east-west direction, so a glass-covered river boat could pass by. Very cool.

I found a small park upriver from the rotating bridge where I chose a sunlit bench on which to read my book. I was hoping to warm up a bit in the sun like a lounging cat, but there was a breeze from my back and I had to zip my sweatshirt and pull the hood up around my neck. I think I will need to buy a scarf or I will never survive the temperature change. I will also buy an undershirt that also doubles as a cellulite-reducing, constriction device. When I tried one on yesterday, I noticed that it was nice and warm, if a bit squeezy. I am still feeling very upset about my hair. It is so unflattering. I really have noticed that my self-esteem has deteriorated lately, even before the terrible haircut.

As I slowly reduce my protective layer of fat, I again feel exposed and vulnerable, and not nearly as attractive as I would like to feel. Where is my confidence? Why do I feel worse rather than better? Why do I know in my heart that I will always be alone, that I am still missing the mysterious something that makes most women feminine and attractive in some indefinable way? I seem to be failing in my goal to learn to love myself and I am discouraged at my apparent inability to change my thoughts of myself. All I can do is to keep struggling along trying to think positive thoughts. Please send me your positive thoughts and energy to help me get through this rough spot.


Anonymous said...

I like your haircut. Did you see that Victoria Beckman just got this haircut? Her hairstle is setting records in London as we speak. It is the talk all over

Girl you look great!! I don't know who did a ringer on your self esteem, and why you feel the way you do. I wish I had the answers, but alas can only offer kindness and support. You are fabulous, witty and deserve happiness. The old saying, you can't let someone love you UNTIL you love yourself, is true. You will get there, even though it is taking you longer than you think. I know God has a plan for you my friend. I wish I was there to give you a hug!!! Repeat after me...YOU ARE WITTY, KIND and FABULOUSE and here is a HUG!!!!!!!!!!!Chris

Anonymous said...

OMG girl! I got the link to your blog from my daughter and I am simply gob smacked that you are feeling so down on yourself. Here I sit at 6(though no one belives I am that old) just wasting away my life. I have been married 3 times, this last time to my sweetie from high school, and I wish I had your guts. I love my family, all three kids, all three in-laws, and the six grandkids, but I really wish I had your gumption and could just take off and go...somewhere, sometime.
You are looking great, no matter what has got you down. Just work on the things that you know you have going for you like your courage, your gorgeous hair color, and get your dobber up! Like the other writer, I agree that you are fabulous and witty and deserve. I think you just need to quit thinking about what you don't have and concentrate on what you do have. You will get there...and having a man to love youis nice, but not as nice as loving yourself. And you have a lot to love!

Amy said...

Thank you for your kindness and support! As you can see, I am a work in progress.

You must be British..."gobsmacked" was a dead giveaway!!