Monday, July 21, 2008

Dreary Weather

I had plans to go to Nürnberg today on the train, but after getting up early and getting ready, the skies clouded over, the wind picked up, and weather turned cold. I will wait for a nicer day as I want to walk around the altstadt, old city, exploring and taking pictures, not running from building to building dodging raindrops. The weather in Europe this year has really been terrible. I find I do need to leave Rothenburgfor awhile to have a change of scenery, so perhaps I will go to Ansbach tomorrow if the weather is still inclement. I do not remember feeling so frustrated and bored in Cortona. Maybe I need to reread my old blogs to remind myself it wasn't always wonderful in Italy, and rained unceasingly for months. I do not want to squander any of my precious time in Europe by being unhappy.

The foul weather seems to have brought on a dark mood. I wrote a blog about my hopeless feelings, however when I tried to post it I was given an error message and the blog disappeared. I guess the Universe is telling me those thoughts are not to be put into writing. I can't argue with the Universe, but I am still feeling discouraged about life in general.

I am looking for a salon in which to have my hair cut and colored. There is a salon and/or barber shop located next to the internet point, however I saw a lady leaving the shop the other day with an alarming hair color. Her cut was nice, but it was accented with highlights in thick stripes of bright, school bus yellow, in glaring contrast to the glossy red-brown base color. I remember my own stylist, Charline, talking about how my highlights turn a beautiful blonde color which does not require "toning". Now, I don't actually know what "toning" is, but after seeing those yellow stripes I am wondering if that poor lady's hair was in need of some. Suffice it to say that if they let her walk out of the salon with that haircolor, I will not be having my hair done there! Where is Charline or my handsome Italian stylist when I need them?

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