Monday, July 7, 2008


Early Wedneday morning, I took a stroll to locate a bakery where I purchased and attempted to consume an extremely dry, crumbly, tasteless, baked stick of dough. I think I will not be partaking of that particular goody again anytime in the future. I stopped by a fruit and vegetable stand in the marktplatz and purchased some fresh strawberries, sun-warmed and sweet smelling. They were wonderfully juicy and made up for the terrible pastry.

I departed Rothenburg, traveling across gently rolling green hills and through tiny hamlets to the town of Crailsheim, where Tim and I were stationed with the U.S. Army from 1988-1993, and where our son, Jordan, was born in 1990. Jordan was born at the Kreiskrankenhaus in downtown Crailsheim and will be 18 on July 18th when his option to be a German citizen will end. My time in Germany was really a pivotal time in my life. I was a newlywed when I arrived, my first child was born there, and my abiding passion for Europe was ignited.

Driving through Crailsheim, I was surprised to see more shops and stores than I remembered, but the McDonald´s, which had opened shortly before we left, was still going strong and had been remodeled. As I traveled toward our old military base things began to look unfamilair, until I spotted a landmark, Möbel Bohn (Bean Furniture). In front of our military quarters, in what had been an empty field, was a new shopping center and huge grocery store. I could just glimpse our old base housng through the buildings and had to circle around to locate the entrance.

Upon entering our housing area, I noticed how the trees have grown and matured, casting welcome shade over the street. The new residents are now allowed to landscape the green space between each apartment building, a strict no-no during my tenure. When the base was preparing to close in 1993 it was rumored that the housing was to be turned over to refugees from the former East Block countries. I don't actually know if that's what happened but I hope that a place I'd loved so much was used to help others build new lives. The buildings have been repainted cheerful colors with geometric desings in contrasting tones. I could see that the large window in the living/dining area had been altered to make room for a door leading onto a newly added balcony.

I walked across the road to where the military installation had actually been and all of the old buildings are gone. A new gymnasium stands where the commissary and guard shack had been and behind it empty, overgrown fields. It made me a bit melancholy. I remember walking those streets, past the barracks, to pick up mail every day or to visit the bank or Post Exchange (PX). All of it now gone. I took pictures to share with Tim and Jordan. Every one should know the place where their lives began.

I drove back downtown, parked the car, and visited a church that, somehow, Tim and I never found time to visit. I also located the hospital, still in operation, where my sweet baby was born. I had to take a picture there too. Maybe more for me than for Jordan. He has no memory of these places, however a piece of my heart still lives on there. I think a piece of Tim's does too. My memory is like a little time warp, allowing me to see fragments of the past as it was, not as it is now, and it made me cry a bit. It has been an emotional week for me.


sid said...

Your comments on Craisheim bring back fond memories. I was stationed in Crailsheim from 1975 to 1978 at McKee Kaserne. What a great time and experience!
Your descriptions of Crailsheim show quite a bit of growth since I was there. I have only been back once, on a Reforger Exercise in 1984. The McDonald's is quite a surprise. Crailsheim was quite rural when I was there. Farmers still worked the fields directly across Highway 14 from the main gate. Mobel Bohn was there, but has probably changed greatly from when I knew it. Steam engines still worked the line to Schwaebisch Hall, and pulled our troop trains from the Kaserne railhead out to the main line.
Thanks for the memories! It was a great remembrance.

Amy said...

Nice to meet you, Sid!

I bet you have some stories to tell about Crailsheim and McKee Barracks back in "the day"! I was really touched to see that the housing areas are still vital communities, obviously cared for and cared about. I feel very fortunate to have been in Crailsheim when The Wall came down and to witness a piece of history.

Thank you so much for sharing your comment!


sid said...

Thanks for the comment, Amy

If you want, I would be glad to post some more recollections concerning my time in Crailsheim and at McKee Kaserne.

Let me know, and thanks.


Amy said...

Absolutely, Sid...I'd love to read about your experiences. I imagine my ex-husband, Tim, who also reads this blog, would like to read your recollections as well. Thank you for your generous offer!

By the way, did you ever eat at the Gasthaus Krone just down the road in Roßfeld? It was the first place I ate out in Germany and remained a favorite of ours during our years there.



sid said...

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have eaten at the Gasthaus Krone. As I remember, pretty darn good. We used to go to a Gasthaus in Mariakappel, east of Chrailsheim. I can't remember the name of the place, but the food was great, the beer wonderful, and the atmosphere superb! It was owned by a family, who were great people. I tried to go back there when on a Reforger exercise in 1984, but it had changed hands and venue. What a shame!
By the way, did the Schmidts run the laundry and dry cleaners when you were there?

Amy said...

I've got to tell you, Sid, I never ask anyone's name so I have no clue who ran the laundry. I do remember a feisty, blonde Dragon Lady, er...German woman, in charge of the housing office though. I bet she was there for 20 years ruling the roost with an iron fist. Yikes!

sid said...

I don't recall the folks in the housing office. I lived in the BOQ for about a year and a half, then off post for a little over two years.
The units at McKee Barracks when I was there were the 1-51 Infantry, 1st AD, and 2-42 Artillery VII Corps Artillery. There was a maintenance contact team from the maintenance Battalion in Illesheim. The rest were garrison support (MP, medical aid station, etc) from 1st AD HQ in Ansbach.
AFN radio was picked up from stations in Stuttgart, or Nurnberg. AFRTS TV arrived on a local broadcast channel about the time I got there. The antenna faced the housing area, and had very limited range west, north or east of McKee Barracks. Once I moved off post, I could not get AFRTS TV, only German TV. There was a movie theater on post. We looked forward to going at least once a week during football season to catch the NFL highlight films. Kinda like the newsreels of the 30's, 40's, 50's kept folks up to date on world events.

Amy said...

We were with Svc Btry 4/12 FA during our first 3 years in Crailsheim, then they deactivated and I'll be darned if I can remember who came in.

Mike said...

I was also stationed at Crailsheim / McKee Kaserne but from April 84 - September 85. I was one of the two squads of MP's living in bldg. 14. When I got there, the 1/51 was getting ready to deactivate, but the 2/42 and 501st were still there. I really had a great time there as did my friends in the 615th MPs. I have a few pics of our guys at the Kegal Stube which was the restaurant side of the New Yorker, but unfortunately, not too much more. I now wish I would have taken more pics as I understand that the post is now leveled. Do you have any pics of the post before it was demolished? It was great to read about your stay at the ol' Crailsheim. I know we had a great time there. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Dear Amy

I was stationed with the l/51st IN from March of 73 until June 76. I visited again often in 78-81 when I was stationed in the North of Germany. My most recent visit was last month during the Volksfest. I still have German friends who I talk and write to at least monthly. I've dropped by 4 times in the last 8 years or so. I loved this place. I actualy got to filmed in a TV documentary on how well the Americans and Germans got along here. From what I understand they have just made another TV special about how many Americans stayed here after the Army left. Hope you like visiting my second home.


Amy said...

Hi Keith,

Sorry for the delay in my reply! After I publish comments it often takeme weeks to find the post it was attached to.

We very much enjoyed our time in Crailsheim and found people to be friendly and warm. Maybe it was the small community atmosphere.

Unfortunately, I left that necks of the woods back in September and am back in small town Italy!


Anonymous said...

I was stationed at McKee barracks in the 2nd 42nd FA From 1973-1974 I went ther just after my tour in Vietnam . Lovely place nice people in town were I made many freinds! I went to many places there including Rothenberg . Our post comander by that time was Brigadier General Charles C Rogers recipient ofthe congressional medal of Honor. He was very special! I worked there as swicth board operator. I remember NCO club , the sadowasky range, The ammo dump, Field Probleams , and reforger for those days. I was plannig on going back put it closed completely. Sorry I couldn't make the trip but I went back to Vietnam and it was hot. And so diferent. But I got it out of my sistem. I am from Puerto Rico . But my fellow soldier were very respectfull Whites ,Blacks I realy did not care I only knew they were my brothers.

Unknown said...

I was stationed at McKee Barracks in 1967 and 1968 with 8th Med. Co. which was one of five companies of the 56th Medical Batallion that were stationed there. I appreciated your picture of where the front gate was but was sad to hear to base has been torn down asI would have enjoyed visiting it. I remember walking guard duty around the motor pool when the weather was so bad you could not see past 20 feet because of the blizzard. For 2 weeks around Christmas, we got every other day off which was great. I was in barrack 27 which was west of the PX and near your housing. We could see route 14 from the front door of our barracks and I traveled that road a lot as I was the supply driver for the company.
Thanks for your information, hope to hear from you. Arnie

Anonymous said...

Loved the stories. I was a military brat and my father was stationed at McKee Barracks ?1977-79. The post and city was our playground. I played every sport for the DYA "Mean Green Machine". Our housing building was the last on the street, which was across from the school's play yards. I remember "horse shoe hill" was the big farming field behind the school. The carnival would come to post and set up by the front gate. Saturdays afternoon movies for 25cents. I was too young to remember name of the Gasthaus my folks took me to every Saturday night. To this day, I can remember eating my Weinersnitzel and potatoes. Some of the best years of my youth. Thanks for letting me share.

Dave Delgado

Anonymous said...

I found your post about Crailsheim while looking up some information about the area. I was stationed here with the 1/51st from 81-83. I am back here now (literally as I am typing, sitting in the Hotel Schwarzer Bock) for the first time since I left in 83, with my son who was born in late 83 (I met his mother here in Crailsheim). Things have definitely changed in 26 years. As some have said, all of the barracks and such have been demolished and new residential housing has been built. The Stern appears to have been preserved exactly as I remember it. I went to the Rathaus and looked in the archives. They made a point to photograph a lot of the building right before they were torn down. It was very odd because everything was overgrown (obviously no grunts here to clean up and mow) and all of the buildings were empty. They also have quite a number of photos from before I arrived. They look like they are mostly from the 60's and 70's. I found some that must have been late 79 or 80 because I actually found my old platoon in some of them (picking up trash, which we seemed to spend a lot of time doing). Major Dimsdale was the Battalion commander when I was here and they have photos of the ceremony when he first took command here.
Matt Andres

Anonymous said...

Hi My name is Ric Badal I am writing the history of Mc Kee Bks and all of these statement I read would be great to use in my book. If you are interested in being part of history write me an E-mail with your stories. Photos are also welcome. My e-mail
Thank you

Bill Black said...

I too was stationed at Crailsheim. 2/42 FA, C Battery, 1976-1979. What a great experience for a young man to be stationed in Europe. It was like...another world. So different than the US. It broadened my outlook considerably, and I consider myself lucky to have spent time there.

That was offset somewhat by being in a tactical nuclear missle unit. I could have picked a better MOS. SALT II outlawed that missle, so all that ends well...

My wife and I were public school teachers in Bellflower CA, and one year, we got a new principal, named Yuki Moi. Yuki, it turns out, was in the last graduating class of the high school at McKee. Small world.

Loved your story Amy. Good looking boys.

Robert Cuthbertson said...

Dear Amy,

I was searching the web looking for some information about my time in the US Army.

I was station at McKee Barracks from August 1963 to February 1964. I was the Company Clerk for Company B, 3rd Battalion, 37th Armor. This company was blessed with some really great fwllows. We were the 1963 Basketball and Flag Football Post Champions. We did lose the USAREUR football quarter finals that year.

A few of us made friend with the Bartel Family of Stimpfach. Mama Bartels would cook up a great meal while Papa tries to teach us German.

My best friend, Gary, and I travel quite a bit through Europe. We had been to London, Paris, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Munich, Lausanne, Piza, Rome, French Riveria, etc.

While there I had the opportunity to meet my Grandfather's relatives and my High School German Pen Pal.

Aside from the training trips to Hohenfels and Grafenwoehr, I had a great time. Now that I am retired, I think I might want to take a trip back there even if things have changed.

Thanks for the opportunity to share my memories

Robert Cuthbertson

Anonymous said...

My father was stationed at that army base also. I was in the 8th grade. I remember going to the movie theater for 25 cents every Saturday afternoon. I also was sad to hear they tore everything down as I always wanted to return for a visit. We lived there in 1967 & 1968 and lived in one of the buildings facing the main road. Thank you for starting this blog. I'm going to check out all the pictures now to see if they jar my memory. Thanks again!
Rick Cutlip

Unknown said...


I was stationed at McKee Barracks from 84-87. I was a medic in 2/42 FA. We were the Aid Station that was on the first floor of the bank building. (The bank was on the 2nd floor). I remember heading over to a "disco" in Blaufelden on the weekends. I wish I had taken pics while I was there. Anyone know of any good pics of the base online?



Amy said...

Thank you all for sharing your memories of McKee Barracks and of Crailsheim in general!

I don't really have many pictures of the base when we were stationed there...most of our pictures featured a small, dark-haired boy who will be 19 come July and just graduated from high school two weeks ago. How time flies!

I also don't have any particularly interesting stories to share wtih all of you, but I did a web search which produced a USAREUR aerial picture of the base in 1960...I could pick out the bulding which housed the PX and snack bar, the movie theater, and the small shack outside the main gate where we bought our car insurance!

Best wishes to all of you and again thank you for sharing your stories!


Anonymous said...

I was the school nurse at Crailsheim E/JHS from 1987 - 1990. It was nice to hear Amy's adventures revisiting the McKee Barracks area. Does anyone know whatever happened to the school? It would be nice to hear about or see pictures.

Terry said...

Incredible that I would find my way here. My dad was stationed in the 37th armored division and I lived here for almost 2 years (65-67). I was 11 when we first moved to Crailsheim and the memories of playing as a child around the barracks and out on the side of the hills around the post are still very vivid. I remember the dances they held for pre-teens and teens at the community center. All the friends I made growing up here that would soon be memories. My friends and I actually found a german potato masher (hand grenade) in a field close to the BOQ. I also remember the 25 cent movie theatre where I probably got my first kiss. I returned to Germany in 1998 but McKee was gone already. I did go to Jagstheim where my family first lived while waiting on housing. I could go on but I shouldn't. Again, these were memorable times in my young life that I will never forget. Thank you for the grat photos.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Wall B1/51 HQ Platoon
11B10 and tool man
I was in crailsheim from 02/82-08/83 I participated in reforger 1982. Been to Graf Hoenfels Bonnland
I have fond memories of it all.
Wish more people would write in. I have always thought about and missed some of my freinds. I badly want to go back and see some of it. I just never have made it back there for some reason.

Pete said...


I am Pete Mascetti and I was stationed in Crailsheim from 76-81, CSC 1-51 Inf. My wife is from the Ellwangen area, about 25 minutes from Crailsheim. I too felt somewhat sad when I visited the former McKee Barracks and think about how it was 33 years ago. I am still in Germany, working in Heidleberg at USAREUR/7A HQ.

Pete said...

Dave Delagado,

I was stationed in Crailsheim 76-81and I knew a SFC Delgado from CSC 1-51 Inf, GSR platoon. Is that your dad?

Pete said...


I rememeber the Schmidts from the dry cleaning store, as well as Kurt and Annie from the Barber shop. Crailsheim was my first duty station, and I loved the fests, the people, the little kaserne atmosphere, taking the train to Robinson and Patch barracks in Stuttgart to go shopping or hanging out at the Stern or at the club in Neustadtlein, where I met my wife in 76. Fond memories indeed1

sid said...

You were in CSC/1-51 at the same time I was in HHC/1-51 and B/1-51. I was stationed in Crailsheim from March 1975 to October 1978. I spent the entire tour in 1-51 in various assignments. Now that I look back on it, I was lucky to stay in Crailsheim and not have to move in country.
One of these days, I will return to Germany and visit the area.

Anonymous said...

my dad was in crailsheim and wounded in ww 2 10th aromored division he was taken out by c 47s col gatchell was his commander

Sam said...

By the way, when I was there in '64 and '65, the movie theater only cost 15 cents. Ha! Popcorn was a dime, with all the salt you could pour on it!

Sam said...

I was 8 years old when we moved to McKee Barracks in 1964, and stayed until mid '65. Of all the places I lived as an army brat, I think McKee Barracks was my favorite. We lived in the apartment building that faced the main highway, right across the street from a house where I believe the post commander lived. It was so cool to see helicopters land right in front of our apartment and drop him off at his house.

Does anybody remember the fighter jets that used to fly rooftop high over the post on their practice runs? Try imagining being in the top apartment looking out those big bay windows and seeing one of those jets zoom by, just over your head. I don't know how many more years that lasted, as it would definitely not be considered an appropriate thing to do nowdays, with civilians living in those apartments. But hey, those were the good ol' days!

Sam Taylor

Anonymous said...


I was also stationed in Crailsheim during the same time as you and was assigned to svc btry 4/12 FA. Your exhusbands name Tim is very familiar, I wish I could remember the face. I too was in shocked when I re-visited the "sheim" back in 2007. I thank you for posting your story and hope that somehow we can all keep in touch.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
chicagobob said...

I was there from 66-68. 1-51 Company C motar platoon

Amy said...


My ex husband, Tim, was a Corporal and then a Sergeant during our time with Svc Btry 4/12 FA. He worked mainly in the supply room. You are welcome to email me at and I will ask Tim if he recalls your name. Thank you for your comments!

Michael Nagles said...


Great article about your visit to Crailsheim! Like you, we have a son who was born at the hospital in Craisheim (Dec 89). I was there from 87-90, in C Battery and Svc Battery. Your description of the "Dragon" lady in housing cracked me up!

Michael Nagles

Anonymous said...

Crailsheim was one of the best experiences i have had in my life. I was assigned to the dispensary(16th.Med. Det)from Oct 1973 to Dec 1975.My commander was Dr. Frank Taylor, who was an awesome guy.Dr. Fink, and Dr. Hinsley were the other officers.We had a couple of civilian ambulance drivers,Rudolf Bergman and Rudolf Hahn that were really good.I like to know of any group trips to Crailsheim , please contact me at

Anonymous said...

Sam, we were there about the same time, you were the same age as my younger brother, his name was Randy McDaniel. We moved to Ansbach when the 37th moved to Fort Henderson. Ansbach was nice but not like Crailsheim. We used to do a lot of sledding on the hill behind the BOQ.
Great to hear from another kid from McKee.

Anonymous said...

I was in the HHC 1/51 Medical Platoon from 1976 to 1978. Seemed like the longest three years of my life. Spent most of it in the motor pool.
Steve B.

Rex Oates said...

I was in Alpha Co, 1/51 82 and 83. I posted what pics I have of McKee barracks on facebook. There is a McKee barracks group on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Hello, (sorry my english is bad)

I am German. I am from crailsheim.i found this side with goggle.

I am 34years old. I can remember to the MCKee Baraks in Crailsheim.
From 1990-1993 i have friends on the Base. The US-Dollar was cheap, and we have had makeed a good bussines with the americans in the Shop on the Base.(Bear, Zigarets, Jack Daniels,....Sometimes we tavel to Würzburg (Lighning Baraks, there was ab big shopping center, but the base is closed today) It was a grate time. Now 2009 the Base is total destroied.

"Yesterday was in Mannheim at the spinelli Barack, i bought a Ford F150 Truck 5.4Triton engine from the Army."

Do you like to see photos from Crailsheim 2009? ore any other plase near Crailsheim? no problem? send me a email.


Anonymous said...

Mr./Ms. McDaniel, I remember sledding down horseshoe hill. It was where I fist learned that when you're headed down the hill directly at somebody, like so many things in life, it doesn't matter what direction you decide to go, just make a quick decision and stick with it. I never did run over anybody on that hill! *lol*


Unknown said...

What memories these postings have bought back! I was assigned to HQ Company 1/51 Med Platoon from January 1975 through June 1976 and either worked in the Clinic or went out on Field exercises with the 1/51. I was fortunate to be able to bring my new bride over to experience life on the "Economy". She volunteered at the Library and the Dental clinic and was a Girl Scout leader for a while. We made friends on and off base that we have maintained through the years and have visited Crailsheim three times since 1976. The food stands out as our most favorite memory and our favorite eating place, Gasthaus Pfanne (sp?) is sadly no longer there. Our other favorite place to eat was out in the country at Oberspeltach. They had the best Jagerschnitzel with their homegrown button mushrooms! Our last visit included an evening at the Muswiese fall market in Musdorf. There is a new (in 2005) hotel, Stadthotel Crailsheim ( ) on the river downtown that is very nice and reasonable should anyone need a place to stay.

Looks like we were there at the same time as Keith, Sid and closely followed the anonomous poster who worked in the Clinic with Rudy, Rudolph and Dr. Fink.

Would love to locate Joe Godeaux, from Louisana, who was my roomate for a short time when I first got there.

Thanks for the memories!
Mark Fogleman, Concord, NC

Charles said...

I was a dependant at McKee Barracks from '75 - '79. Like many of you it was some of the best years of my life. I have found many friends from there using Facebook. Highly recommended for those of you seeking the same. I am seeking pictures of the housing area/base/school. If any of you have photos please contact me at I am working on a project that may be of interest to you weather you are in search of friends or chasing memories. I will post a link to it when it is complete. Please don't think your pictures won't make a difference no matter how obscure.
Thank you to the author of this blog.

Charles said...

Dave Delgado,

I was a dependent in Crailsheim from '75 - '79. I remember Horseshoe Hill, played DYA basket ball, went to the middle school before going on to school at Ansbach. Join the Ansbach group on Facebook, there are several Crailsheimers there. Be sure to send me a friend request! I'm putting in a lot of time and effort getting us back in touch with one another. If you have any other names of people you would like to find post them. I'm looking.

Anonymous said...


My best friend at McKee Barracks was Jerry Thomas and he was a medic with HHC l/51. I think I remember Joe Gadeau. Is it possible that he spent a little time at the Gasthaus Stern. The owners and the time were Horst Dreschner who is now deceased, and his wife Christa, who is much alive and soon to be retired. I am still in contact with the Dreschner family. I was there again for the Volksfest in 2008, and had a lot of fun. For days, I just walked around the town and looked at all the things I remember. Anita from the Schiesshauskellar is now the owner of Anita's Kneiple and still pours a great "Halbe."

Unknown said...

I remember freezing my backside off at Hohenfels with Jerry and am pretty sure Joe spent time at the Stern (didn't most single GI's?). Any idea which town/parrish he was from?

If you go over to the McKee Barracks Alumni Facebook page:
there are a bunch of photos of the base and of town. I posted one of the Stern and some funny comments have been posted under it. I like the one about it being called a "Ranger Training Camp" by one of the base commanders who put it off limits.

Keith said...


Don't remember what part Joe was from. Jerry was from Puyallup, WA and was the best man at my wedding in 1977. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident a couple of years ago. I hope you weren't in Hohenfels the year the advance party put up the big tents in the frozen ground, and then we had a rain, and all the tents fell on top of us. Now that I look back, that was actually pretty funny. Horst Dreschner's daughter, (Corinne) just Emailed me about mailing a Chicago Bears jacket for a gift for her son for Christmas. It's cheaper if I mail it than postage and handling. Her daughter is soon college age. Is that even possible that we are that old?

I looked for an old Army friend in Michigan who wasn't listed and I started calling people with the same last name. I got unbelievably lucky, and hit his cousin on the first phone call and he directed me to his mother. Maybe it will work for you. Is it possible you remember a Dennis Cook, and where he was from?


Anonymous said...

Hello, I lived at McKee from 1959 till 1963. My name is Mike Freyman and would like to hear from anyone that lived in Crailsheim during that time period.

Bob D said...

HI All:

Looks like I am the old timer here. I was stationed there from Jan 1958 until June 1959. I was with the 1st medium tank battalion, 4th armored div.I was in Headquarters Co and worked in S-4.

We rode around in M48 tanks that were in poor shape as the military was still suffering from a shortage of equipment as the Korean War was over and the federal government was not too interested in spending money on the military. A lot of mustangs were getting riffed which was sad. Almost all the s/4s and privates were draftees. Morale was low because we were drafted and taken away from our wives, families and girl friends. The sergeants were no the sharpest light bulbs in the pack and they did not treat us very nice because we were draftees with poor attitudes. The Division's CO was General Omara. The combat command CO was Colonel Yow. I worked for a Master Sergeant that did not know the alphabet. Sure glad the Russians did not attack us!

I did like Germany and made some very good friends while there. Being in S-4 I traveled on supply business off base extensively and saw a lot of Bavaria. I had a VW, so I managed to stay off base during free time as much as possible. There was not much to do on base-perhaps a movie theature. I spent a good deal of time in Dienkelsbuhl (sp? Beer was less than a mark!

Anyone want to reach me?

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

I'm from Craislheim and my mother used to work in the McKee Barracks from the early 80s until closure in 1994. She worked in the snack bar in that PX building and in the movie theater. Sometimes she would take me with her - I loved every minute in the barracks! The burgers and chips in the snack bar, the films in the theater (although I couldn't understand a single word back then) - I remeber watching Rambo II, Indiana Jones Temple Of Doom and Back To The Future there for example.
Does anyone remember the German-American Volksfest back then? It was around August every year. I really loved it! I clearly remember that great ice cream you could get there.
I also only listened to AFN Nuremberg back in the 80s. By far the best radio station in Germany at the time...

God bless!

Anonymous said...

We had very good friends from C- Btry 2/42 around 1976/77 in Crailsheim and reading these posts bring back memories.
I have recently looked for some people, but can't find them: Margie and Zach Reyes, David Heath, Joe Hess, Michael Bachman, Mark Gleason, David Braunstein...a shame I don't remember more...
They used to visit us in the "Forellenhof" and we had great Parties at the "old house" or went to Dünsbach Disco.
Does anybody know them ?
I do not live live in the Craislheim area anymore but have been there last summer and it really changed a lot.
I would really like to get in touch with some old friends- so would my sister Jule who lives now in Greece after living in Wisconsin for 7 years and then moved back to Germany.
The only one we found so far is John Graves via facebook.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michaela

I was in C-Btry 2/42 around 1976/78, and I knew all those dudes. David Braunstein was my platoon leader in bootcamp at Ft Sill, and we arrived at Crailsheim together. Michael Bachman was my roomie in AT&T at C-Btry. Good peeps, all of them.

If you look on, you will find a group of us Crailshiem vets. Search by name, and you'll find a few of the names you are searching for :-)


Terry Mc said...

Hi Bethany

I was close to the same age as you when my dad was stationed at McKee.
It is so strange to see folks speak of that era of my life that seemed to be buried long ago. I had Betencourt for either 5th or 6th grade and Frau Linden was the german teacher. Of course I can't remember a lot of names but Conne Balangi(sp), Paul Foster and a girlfriend with the last name of O'donnell or McDonell. I remember that we would dign up at the community center to be able to sack groceries at the commisary. If you were the lucky one you were selected to work on the last day of the month which was pay day. The playground you speak of was very popular and many memories. I could go on and on but am glad to hear from someone that was there during the same time. We eventualy were relocated to Ansbach. Did you go to any of the dances at the rec hall? My older sister keeps in contact with some people from there and Nurnburg where she went to high school.

Unknown said...

Go to the McKee Barracks Alumni Facebook Page. Lot's of people there.!/group.php?gid=18258402411

Anonymous said...

Hi. I lived at Mckee Barracks 1967-68. My husband was commander of the 595 Med.Co. Does anyone remember him, Captain Orrin Skolnick? Tall, red hair and freckles? I'm interested in hearing from folks who remember those good old days!!
Peggy Skolnick

malsy47 said...

I was stationed at McKee Barracks from 1971 - 1974. I was with Company C of the First Maintenance Battalion. I remember eating at the 3 Mark Schnitzel - sadly cannot remember its real name. I remember Dr's Taylor, Fink, and Fredrickson. One memory I have is during the 1973 Israel-Egypt war, when the Isreali Army crossed the Suez Canal, both the 1/51 and 5/73 FA (or 2/42 FA) left overnight to their alert positions. When we went to work the next morning, the post was deserted!. We went back in 1996 for a visit - sadly the area had really grown. The post had been turned over as a refugee camp, and the Quarters were being rebuilt to turn over to the local population. Couldn't find our way around. But I still have fond memories of being stationed there.

nazulatatunkce said...

wow Amy, a little memory lane about Crailsheim sure brings out the posts. I remember exactly that little spot by the commisary, near the gate between dependent housing and the main post, right by the Rod & Gun club wasn't it? That is where the pizza place up in Roterbuck would drop our pizza when we ordered it. I was in SVC btry 2/42 from 76-79. I didn't realize it until much later that Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Dinkelsbuhl and Harburg,all just a short drive from Crailsheim, were the only three remaining cities in Germany that had all of their original walls intact. I just thought they were cool places to go for kalt bier und gute Ess.
thanks fortaking the time.


Amy said...

You're not kidding, Bob! I had no idea that my small blog entry would generate such a number of posts! I wish I'd known about the pizza place...we occasionally broke down and bought a pizza with a cardboard crust at the snack bar. Horrible!

I would love to take my elder son to visit Crailsheim one day. He is now in the Air Force, so perhaps will be lucky enough to be stationed in Germany one day. I will sure to visit and take him on a tour.

Thanks for your comment.


Jim Mc said...

I was stationed at McKee Barracks from 1968 to 1969. I have great memories of the place. I also have some pictures taken at McKee. I was with the 4th.armor div. I think of the place often, and would like to return for a visit. The volksfest in sept.was great. I can send pictures if you would like to see them.

Jim Mc

Amy said...

Hi Jim,

I'd love to see your pictures! Please send to



Unknown said...

What a surprise to find this site on the web. I was stationed at McKee from March 1973 and returned to the "World" Dec. 1974. I was assigned to the 545 MP company. I also have great memories of that time and place and it's hard to believe it has been almost 36 years. I returned to Crailsheim in 2005 and found the town had changed a lot and of course McKee was torn down. I felt like a civil war veteran looking over an old battlefield trying to explain to my wife and son where buildings had been located when I was stationed there. I think LtCol. McCoy was post commander when I was there. Someone earlier said there was a McDonalds in Crailsheim. We didnt have one when I was there. The closest McDonalds was in Nuremberg where our Battalion HQ was located. We would drive up to Nuremberg and pick up a bunch of big macs at Mcdonalds and drive back to Crailsheim. We kept the burgers warm by placing them on the M151 jeep engine manifold.
I remember the New Yorker, I think I even have a menu from the place somewhere. We knew the owner, he was some American German who opened the place. He always let us into the Disco side even when most GIs couldnt get in.
I dont remember the names of the other places but I do remember one called the Flamingo. It was a seedy joint that offered totally nude dancers and dirty movies between shows. You had to pay 5 marks to get into the place and that also got you one beer. There were many great places to eat and I remember one place just outside of town that was a 5 star restaurant but I cant remember the name, it may have been in Mariakappel. I remember the "honey wagons" spraying liquid manure on the beet field across from McKee, what a smell. I was there during the Yom Kimmpur War. We were put on alert and had to stay in our barracks for two days wearing full combat gear. I never could figure that out, but then I never figured out the Army either. As MPs we drove all over the countryside and I remember how beautiful and green everything was. We were assigned to several Reforgers and we investigated all the accidents. It always surprised me how may fatalities occurred during reforger that involved traffic accidents, drownings, and plane crashes.
I still have a Crailsheim German police hat that I got from a German police officer. I think I gave him a bottle of Jim Beam that I purchased at the class 6.
To this day I have never tasted any American beer that is a good as the fest bier in Germany. The best bier fests that I went to were in Rothenburg and Dinkelsbuhl. As a young man in the Army, Crailsheim was a great place to live and it gave me an opportunity to see parts of France, England, Austria, and Belgium. The experience will always be with me.

Unknown said...

I was stationed at McKee from March 1973 and returned to the "World" Dec. 1974. I was assigned to the 545 MP company. I returned to Crailsheim in 2005 and found the town had changed a lot and of course McKee was torn down. I felt like a civil war veteran looking over an old battlefield trying to explain to my wife and son where buildings had been located when I was stationed there. Someone mentioned McDonalds in Crailsheim. We didnt have one when I was there. The closest McDonalds was in Nuremberg where our Battalion HQ was located. We would drive up to Nuremberg, pick up a bunch of big macs, and drive back to Crailsheim with the burgers on the M151 engine manifold.
I remember the New Yorker, I think I even have a menu from the place somewhere. We knew the owner, he was some American German who opened the place. He always let us into the Disco side even when most GIs couldnt get in.
I dont remember the names of the other places but I do remember one called the Flamingo. It was a seedy joint that offered totally nude dancers and dirty movies between shows. You had to pay 5 marks to get into the place and that also got you one beer. I think there was a 5 star restaurant near Mariakappel, it was great food.I remember the "honey wagons" spraying liquid manure on the beet field across from McKee, what a smell. I was there during the Yom Kimmpur War. We were put on alert and had to stay in our barracks for two days wearing full combat gear. I never could figure that out, but then I never figured out the Army either.
I still have a Crailsheim German police hat that I got from a German police officer. I think I gave him a bottle of Jim Beam that I purchased at the class 6.
To this day I have never tasted any American beer that is a good as the fest bier in Germany. The best bier fests that I went to were in Rothenburg and Dinkelsbuhl. As a young man in the Army, Crailsheim was a great place to live and it gave me an opportunity to see parts of France, England, Austria, and Belgium. The experience will always be with me.

rich said...

Hello Amy I hope you might be able to help me here. You mention that you went to Jagstheim. Now going back to 1971 I new a girl from there who was a student stopping with my then girlfriend in Scarborough UK. I kept in touch for a few years but then as you do lost touch. I have just come across all these years later a letter she sent me and the address is 7181 Jagstheim, Vogelsang 291. Can you tell me if that is a full address or not? I have not got much to go on as all I can remember now is her first name of Dorle although she does mention an Eva Schneider. I just thought it would be lovely to get in touch if I could find her but I need to know if that is a full address? Kind wishes. Richard.

Ted hagler said...

I was there in 1958@1959 with the 37th Armor 1st Med. tank batallion,4th armored division. The stockaid was still there with the towers at all 4 corners. it was empty thoe.Later on the 78th field artilery and ocupited that part of it and then tore the the fience and 4 towers down. Also I remember when they brought the Cobra King in and set it at the entrance along with a cannon to represent the 78 field artilery. aaaahh---Memories for an old man. 72 now!

Anonymous said...

hi im Frankie Ray aka ramond f hulin aka Snake lol
im an actor now i was in the sheim 80-82 2nd 24 fa hq co. signal Looking for my sargent margerat kershner or my room mate ronald tim patterson man i have dreams almost weekly about that place the longing is so strong im walking around the empty post looking for everyone and im crying wishing i could find them. i would so love to find margerate or tim patterson. greg webb was there. ed gay david ward did our tatoos. there was this guy we called slope head. man i miss thoes days. you can get me at frankie ray (I) its hollywood now. hit up my youtube page hollywoodbadguy1
anyone remember me or info on in anyone in hq please contact me.
i got intouch with col van horn have his email.

nukem till they glow.

pvt snake hulin frankie ray

Anonymous said...

Ted and Frankie, have you tried the facebook page?

McKee Barracks 1964 and 65 (dependant)

Swamp Gas said...

Hi Amy...

I'm delighted to stumble across your blog.

My parents were civilian employees of the Army in the early 1950s. They lived at McKee and I was born there. Moved back to the states in the late '50s.

Dad was the principal of the base school and mom was a teacher.

Mom and dad are gone now but I have all sorts of crazy memorabilia of post life in the '50s. Photos of the Thanksgiving Day parade that dad organized complete with a cabin and children dressed as pilgrims on an Army low loader.

I have my own beer mug from the Officer's Club and still have dad's beer stein from the post rod and gun club.

Returned in the '70s for a visit.

Amy said...

As the owner of this blog, I would love to have individuals post their memories and experiences about Crailsheim and/or McKee Barrakcs. I will not, however, post any inquiries from people seaching for family members or friends which I have done in the past. I feel there are other forums for those doing genealogical research and that is not the purpose of this blog. Your understanding is much appreciated.


Unknown said...

my dad was stationed in Crailsheim 79-82 501st ord company 1st sergeant Robert Anderson "Top" I'm little "Top", thats what the GI's in the company used to call me. Horseshoe hill was the best,played DYA sports "Go Green" think it was the "Cougars". Mom worked at the commissary.went to the elementary school on the hill in old housing,remember the tunnel that connected the housing areas. The fests outside the main gate were awesome, remember the germans loving american ice cream, remember playing on the old yellow helicopter by mobil bohn. cool memories,what a great experience army life was. The principal was Mr. Orlando.

good memories,
Danny Anderson

Unknown said...

hi my name is mel chambers and i converted the battalion to the 42 fld arty bn in 1973 and stayed untill 1978. at first i lived in the last house on the hill above the school and then i moved downtown just two doors from the bakery. my wife was german and my daughter went to school there also.i was in b btry and drove a 64 impala ss and also an elcamino which i bought of bob wilson in the maint bn. also ken and jackie renolds of the mp det were firnds of ours.jackie died a couple of years ago and kent had part of his tongue remove which both of them always smoked a lot. bob wilson is now living in waveland ms.if anyone wants they can email me at chambersharley03@gmail,com. also my wife ingrid died in 1988 from a heart attack at the age of 45. later

Darrell Collis said...

It is fascinating that a community would have such a impact on so many people. I too was stationed in Crailsheim from 88 through 91. I was in Alpha And Headquarters Battery. All the memories and friendships have taken a special place in my heart and will always remain there. I remember my arrival there in the winter of '88 like it was yesteraday. The streets was decorated with Christmas wreaths on the lights above head. It was something like out of a picture book. I remember walking to the chow hall and the smell of food in the air. In the spring time, when the streets were covered with what appeared as snow. It was the cottonwood trees that shed their blooms on the ground. Eating at that marvelous snack shop above the PX. The ole gals that worked there sure could fix a great hamburger. I still can taste those burgers till this day. The hamburgers at the New Yorkers was also quite tasty to a drunken soldier too. That is the place where I met my beautiful wife. She was from a little town around there. Funny as it seems, I was stationed back 2 more times in Germany but never made it back to 'Sheim. I'm still married to my wife and maybe once the kids are all gone, we may move back to Germany. I really loved their zest for life. It showed in their food and fests. I hope to run into some old friends on here. Thank you all for sharing your memories on one of the most important places in my life....

Mike said...

I also was stationed in Crailsheim from 1961 to early 1966. I was with HQ.Co 1st Bn 37th Armour. Other major units on post included the 1st.Bn 78th.FA and Combat command B. Their was also a medical detachment and a platoon of the 126th maintenence. My wife is a born Crailsheimerin so we do return frequently. Our hang-outs were the Engel Keller, the Pfanne and the Gastof Rose. They had the best "House Platte" in the world. Another great memory was the annual Volkfest. Magical memories. My wife and I are glad we found this site. We will follow it closely from now on. Mike and Ingrid

al said...

Al Pawlowski, Co C 1st Maint Batt 1970-72. Went back in 2003 and McKee was bulldozed. 573rd Artillery and 51st Infantry was also there. Our mess hall won best small unit mess for 5 years straight.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ted Hagler

I was there from Jan 1958 until June 1957. I was in Hq Hq Co 1st medium Tank Btn.

I worked in S-4 and the last few months in the Hq Hq Co supply room.

My name was Sp/4 Robert T Dixon

NADINE said...

Wow! I found this blog to be very interesting and exciting. I too lived in Crailshiem from 1981-1988Worked in the McKee recreation center for many years, and miss this place alot. I still see people like Tom Hudson (recreation), and Gail Olezene (Family Advocate). The DYA was my children's favorite place. Thanks for the memories.
Nadine Collins

hannelore said...

Hannelore Koehler Schmidt.I was born in Kirchberg/Jagst are Hangout was Chrailsheim.I also married a GI Jim Schmidt who was there in the Army in 1964 to 1966 in 3rd 37th armor nothing but good times.Crailsheim never was the same after they pulled out all the GI s i went back every year ones or twice while my Parents where alive.I was there when they tore MC KEE Barracks down i crossed those yellow Lines they had up because i was o upset because they where in the Process of tearing down the Chapel.Boy did i get into trouble over that.MC KEE BARRACKS was tore down because it was so full of Asbestos.Just thought you might like to know you may also look it up on the internet

LS Hammond said...

It looks like *I* am the oldtimer here. I served at McKee from early 1955 to mid 1957, so was part of the Occupation Force of Germany and have the ribbon to remind me. I was an MP in the 7727 AU Rehab Center and Stockade. I worked in the towers, sallyport and post main gate. I still miss that wonderful Engel Brau!

-Leslie Seth Hammond

Edcon said...

My wife and I were teachers at the Crailsheim American School from August of 1969 through June of 1971. During school year 1969-70 I taught 7th grade and during school year 1970-71 I taught 5th grade. Those were wonderful years and I thoroughly enjoyed teaching in Crailsheim. I can be reached Ed Bettencourt

Ric Badal said...

Hi my name is Ric Badal I live near Crailsheim and I was also in McKeebks, 1973-1977 and returned to work in the photolab from 1986 til 1990. I have many fotos of McKee bks to be put in my book but these storie that I read in this blog are great. Iwould like to use them in my book on Mckee Bks. If you have any problem with it ,please contact me at Thank you

Anonymous said...

I was stationed in Crailsheim from 1973-1976. I have many fond memories. I often wonder what ever happened to my buddies.I was in 2/42 B-battery, artillery surveyor. I spent many hours playing foosball. We would play other batteries and we had the best at that time. We were the post champs in flag football in '75. I remember Grafenwoehr, tent city, come to think of it not all memories are fond memories. The good ole days. Its nice to know there are others that share the same feelings..Carlos

Ed Dewey said...

Carlos, I may have known you, probably did, actually. I'm Ed Dewey, and I was an artillery surveyor in the 5/73, then the 2/42 (Lance) from early '72 until Aug. 74.

If anyone remembers me, send me an email at:


Anonymous said...

I was there as an artillery surveyor from early '72 until Aug. '74. My name is Ed Dewey.

Anyone remember me? :)

Please feel free to send me an email at


Lorri Gann (Couch) said...

Bethany, I remember Frau Linden. Army Brat from 67-69 or thereabouts. My fondest childhood memories are of Crailsheim. Sledding off the top of the apt building, the 25 cent movies on Saturdays, playing in the officers club and getting cherry cokes (with real cherries and an umbrella), ice "skating" in my shoes, the cart that came with the gummi bears and hard rolls, riding bikes and picking pears off trees, Ms. Baker was one of my teachers. Helicopter rides, the farmers market...Still miss Germany. When we arrived there weren't many cats and our girl Sam had lots of litters. They begged us to leave her when we left, so she stayed when we came stateside.

Frankie Ray said...

hay sheimers come on over to the facebook page there are over 700 mckee barracks people there were having a ball remembering all the old things we did here is the link Mckee barracks alumni

Anonymous said...

Somehow I stumbled on this great blog. We (Terry and Sherry French) were there from 76-79. Some of the best memories and times of my life were of Crailsheim. I can still recall the wonderful food, beer, friends, and good times. Thanks to all who have contributed to this site. Horseshoe Hill may have been fun for the youngsters in the day, but it was a great time at night for the adults!! Terry was MPI with Gary Habgood and worked under station commander 1/Sgt. Ken Reynolds. Our oldest son Rich was involved in all the DYA sports, I worked at the pre-school. Ken and Jackie Reynolds are both gone now. I live in Al. in the same town where they retired. The Wilsons in Waveland lost everything during Katrina and had to build back, piece by piece. We added to our family there also so ahve a son who calls that "his other homeland" although he remembers nothing about it. Sad that it is all gone...but oh, the sweet memories.
Sherry French

Unknown said...

Message to Sam and Terry, as well as to all Shimmers.
I was stationed at McKee from Oct 64 to June 66, when I was reassigned back to the US. I remember all of the places you are talking about, PX, theater, Gym, etc. I was the S-3 (training and Operations) clerk for HHC, 3rd Bn-37th Armor. When I arrived there LTC Harry Lawson was the CO, later replaced by LTC Charlie Ross.
I worked for CPT Mercier and SFC Langston at S-3, and also with MSG Belding from S-2. CPT William O'Connor was in charge of S-1.
SAM, The fighter jets (either F100 or F101)you are talking about would come in for aerial exercises, at times when our Battalion go out for Readiness Tests. Either an Air Force CPT or Major would arrive at our Hqs before hand to work with our S-2 office. I was given additional duties as FAC (forward air controller), and would ride out on an M113 PC along with the AF officer. We would drive away from our convoy to a hillside, and the AF officer with me would call "simulated air strikes" on our convoy. The pilots would then call back down to us to report on their hits, and "alleged" casualties.
I remember one time when one of those Jets did a nose dive on the flag pole at the Post HQ, on their way back to their base. It was early in the AM, and woke up the entire housing area who complained to the Post CO. He called the AF officer in charge and let him have it. That pilot was never allowed to fly around Crailsheim again.
One time one of those pilots pulled a similar stunt on the AF officer and I, while we sat on a hillside calling the coordinates to them. After they finished, they nose dived behind us with their engines off, and as we looked in front of us they turned the jets back on leaving us deaf! I can't repeat the words the AF officer next to me said to them!!
Oh yeah, those pilots loved to play pranks.
I was in Germany back in 2003 to visit our daughter who is married to a career Army officer, and who was stationed in Kitzigen. The lived in Iphofen, which was about a 30 minute ride from Crailsheim. However, I never made it there as I had already heard about its demise. Believe me, the old countryside had not changed much at all. I could tell my son in law about where he could turn on the road, and what he would find. After 36 years away from the area, he could not believe it.
All in all, I loved my time there and agree with everyone about the beauty and magic of Crailsheim!
By the way, just connected with two of my old buddies from 3/37.
Gary Cardenas

javelinjim said...

hello everyone I am former Army
SGT Jim Goleman, HQ BTRY 2/42FA--
1972-1975--S-2---Also published the LANCER newspaper, coached the AYA football team, played basketball for the 2/42 team. From
Bastrop, La/ Lived in Rossfeld, with a wonderful couple (karl and trudel ehammer) while there. one of my best friends (estus ray smith) a surveyor is still living in germany and a surveyor for the gov. great to see all the post and a shout out to mel chambers.

Anonymous said...

Been a long time ,Jim Warnick here from 75-80 in the 615th MP Co then got out of Army and stayed there another 10 years. Some of the best times of my life there ( at least the ones i can remember ) would be nice to hear from some of the guys you can email me at hope to hear from some of you ( Sherry tell Terry i said "HI" if he remembers me )

Cliff said...

Wow...Reading through all the posts certainly bring back memories of my 3 years in the "Sheim". During my time there (Jun of 76 - Dec of '79), I was SP/4 Reid, HHB, 2/42 FA (Lance). In addition to the 2/42nd, the 1/51 IN, 501st Ord, MP Company, and a German reserve unit (may have missed one) were all there during my time. I served as the Armorer who created the "Velvet Touch" Arms Room...Best arms room in the battalion. The "Sheim" was small but there were plenty of good times to be had. Remember the Bowling Ally and the best thing to do there was eat the pizza? Or buying cases of German bier from the locals who worked on post. Remember the morning PT runs around the post (I think twice around made 2 miles)? However, Class IV (Jim Beam) made the locals love me. REFORGER, ASP to Crete, PSP-82 guard duty and CQ was the worse on weekends because, they often kept me from hanging out at my favorite places...The Gasthaus Gruner Brau (downtown) or the New Yorker Nightclub (Rossfeld, I think). I Remember the custom silkish German-American jackets with the German map on the back and the name of your home State and City on each sleeve (wear them out when off duty or weekends) that had one primary effect that was to make you look like a "Turtle" (Typically an E1/E2 just arriving from 21st Replacement Detach (Frankfurt) to his first permanent party unit. The "Sheim" is the place where I got seriously buzzed drinking my first warm German beer...not to mention what the Schnapps and Jaegermeister did to many of us back in those days. The days of the SMLM cards (Red, yellow and white reminders that the Russian are coming) and the Iron Curtain. I could go on forever with the stories and places. The days of the M880 Pickup and the M151A1 Jeep. However, many years later, I can say that I am a better man because I was there. Hope this helped with coloring in the memories. Festina Lente.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what memories. Army brat whose family was there for my 5th grade (1969) We lived across the street from the elementary school, across from horseshoe hill. Sledding down from the top of that hill was SO much fun. My teacher, Mr. Albrecht, was the best! Since I sadly have a hard time remembering people's names, the fact that I remember his should speak volumns. He took us to Bertschgarden (sp?), to visit a fuedal lord's castle, and we were able to participate in one of Crailsheim's annual parades dressed in really old clothes lent to us from their museum. Was only there one year because we moved on to Oberammergau for our remaining 2 years in Germany, but it was a great time to be a kid in Germany!

Frankie Ray said...

hay Anonymous above we have pictures on our face book group page From the late 60's of children sleding down horse shoe hill. come on by and check em out

Frankie Ray

Anonymous said...

I am amazed how many people comment about their stay in Crailsheim.I was born in Crailsheim and worked in the office at the commissary from 1966 until 1969.My husband was the commissary steward and we got married Dec.1969.We live in Florida and will be visiting Crailsheim this year in September
for the Volksfest.Who else is going?

Anonymous said...

Going to the Volksfest in Septmber.Who else is going?

Anonymous said...

Going to the Crailsheimer Volksfest in September.Who else is going?

Joe O'Brien said...

Amy,I am Seventy Four years old and was stationed at Crailshiem in 58 and 59. My name is Joe O'Brien and was a tank crewman in a M48 medium tank.Company B 1st. med. tank batallion 37th Armour 4th Armoured Division.
I had many great times in Crailshiem and the area around Crailshiem back then.
anyone who was there with me can contact me at jobroofing
Thank you

Anonymous said...


My Dad was in the Army in Germany in the late 1950's-1961, and I heard more stories than I can remember from him, but none concerning Crailsheim. (He was stationed closer to France). But, coincidentally, I met someone on Facebook who lives there, and she and her family more or less adopted me and invited me to visit Germany and stay with them when I did. I just got back in early August from my 1st trip there... a whole month! I love Crailsheim, and Germany, and would gladly have never left.

I have nothing to offer about the old US Army days there, but the woman who hosted my visit remembers the Americans fondly... Otherwise, I can for sure talk it up as to what Crailsheim's like today. And what it's like to me is Heaven.

Unknown said...

It was a long time ago, 1959-1962, but I still remember Crailsheim as a kid. My dad was Robert Dutcher and was in the tank btn. We first lived in an apartment with a German family. (Paula and Heinrich, with kids Edgar, Victor, and Marie). We later moved into the military housing. We were in the first building on the left across from the post main gate. My son studied German in high school and college and had always wanted to visit Germany, so we went for 30 days in 2006. I was so surprised when I was able to find where I lived as a kid. The apartment buildings are now many different colors other than the beige color with "A" and "B" on them. I remember sledding on "The Hill". It seemed a lot bigger back then. Great memories of Crailsheim and was glad I was able to take my son for a visit.

Unknown said...

I was the last soldier at Crailshiem, I literally slid the keys under the gate when I left. I think of it often and miss some of its charm. Thank you for posting this.

Sheila M said...

Dear Amy,
First let me say Merry Christmas ..My father was stationed at Mckee Barracks 72-74 lived on the post for a year in buiding 205 . We moved to Jagsthiem about 1972 . I hear that Mckee was closed almost 20 years now. Sad but progress, at least the housing area was put to use. Many memories Used to shop Crailsheim with my mother at the CoOp Great to know Crailsheim is doing well..i miss being there.
Sheila Motko

Anonymous said...

An interesting blog. I was stationed in Crailsheim with the 37th Armor from January 1958 to June 1959. My wife and I lived at 15 Langestrasse, above the Häberle's textile store. We started out our married life in Crailsheim and greatly enjoyed our time there. We went back for visits three times: in 1965, in 1984 with our 3 children, and in 1993 with my mother-in-law and her sister (who, like my wife) had been born in Germany. When we lived there, Crailsheim was still a sort of quaint village. We got to know quite a few residents there and they were very nice to us. The fact that my wife spoke German helped. Although my spoken German was/is not good, I could understand quite a bit. Good memories! DMG

Unknown said...

I love all those nice comments about Crailsheim. I am a proud Crailsheimer, lived there until 1968 when I married Michael E. Williams who was stationed there until 1967. Does anyone remember him? He unfortunately died over 10 years ago. I now live in Cleveland, OH but I do go back to Crailsheim on a regular basis. Mostly around September. You guessed it - because of Volksfest. The Crailsheimer call it the 5th season. I'd like to hear from anyone who remembers my husband or myself.

Anonymous said...

hello everybody I found this blog while searching for some information from army bases in Germany. My dad was stationed in Germany in the early 80's. He was killed in May of 1983 in a car accident. His name was Joseph w. Hembree.if anybody Knew or serve with him I would love if you would contact me. You can email me at

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!
We found this blog while searching for information about the McKee Barracks in Crailsheim. We are working on a very important school project about the Barracks. It would be awesome if any of you could help us and contact us to share some information about your experiences. Any help is welcome.
Thank you in advance.

Dave Fingeroos said...

David Fingeroos here,Ironwood,Michigan. I was stationed at McKee from Aug 1973 to March 1975. B battery 2/42nd FA. I time and place that I will always carry with me. Anyone,PLEASE contact me who was there that I served with.

Anonymous said...

I was at McKee Barracks 1970-72 with Company C, 1st maint Bn. Voted Best Small Unit Mess Hall in Europe.Mess Steward. I re-upped in basic to go to aviation school and wound up here. I went back to Crailsheim in 2002. The post had been torn down and the town was a lot bigger then.
Sgt. Albert Pawlowski

Anonymous said...

I was there and they were my friends. Robert Sanchez email

Diana Scott Reith said...

I was there 85-87. I lived in a small village off base. we lived above a meat/bakery shop. There were other military families in the building. The bakery made the best pretzels with a cheese that you smeared on the pretel. Best I ever had and I can't find them now. Both my husband and I were in the Army. I was in the 501st Ordinance Company. I loved the fact that when I went to the town, people felt safe to leave there Baby outside in the carriage while they shopped.

Unknown said...

My husband was stationed in Crailsheim,1972-76.I met him there and we married in Crailsheim,One of our best men last name was Shipman.They were in a maintenance company.Because of his last name every one called him OD.We had 2 sons while there.I miss my home,think of Crailsheim often.We are retired in Alabama now.Thanks for the memories.

Anonymous said...

I've been writing my autobiography and was stationed at Crailsheim with a Seventh Army medical ambulance company: 1954-1956 which is part of my history, and I have a lot of memories of the 19 mos. I spent there; especially a time when I was defrauded and unintentionally stole a bicycle of a young German lady who I desperately wanted to meet; she worked at snack bar, It was very embarrassing. I learned later she was engaged to be married. but I also had some very interesting TDY experiences. I'm old so I forget a lot.

Unknown said...

Hi Michaela Norberto Sanchez (Puto) BeerClown 1974-1976 Crailsheim Germany McKee Barracks

Unknown said...

It's been repeated here a few times but if you are a member of Facebook please join the McKee Barracks Alumni page. Hundreds of participants, thousands of photos and a lot of memories. It's the only reason I joined Facebook.

Vincent said...

Crailsheim, (Mckee Barracks) was a great duty station and lots of fun. I was with Battery B 5th BN 73 FA,(1972 thru 1974) lots of memories and two of my oldest boys still live in Crailsheim. Glad I found this blog. Vincent

Dave Fingeroos said...

I'M Dave Fingeroos from Michigan. I was with B battery, 2/42. I arrived at McKee August 1973 and was there until my discharge March 1975. I think of that place everyday. The great civilians, the townsfolk welcoming us to their festivities. That B battery gang...Gary Leindecker, Mike Walkos, Vinnie Guardiano, Carlos Reyes, Cpt. Wagner, Elroy Thompson, Dean Vandeberg. What a crowd. I hope to hear from those folks who were there when I was.

Ingird Humphrey said...

Hi all you Crailsheim fans,

I was born and raised there. My husband was stationed in Crailsheim from 1962 to 1965.

Did you know that the city has brought out a pamphlet about McKee Barracks dating from 1950 to when the barracks were closed?
A friend of ours just sent us one. If you are interested get in touch with someone you knew while you were stationed there. I am sure they would be glad to mail you a copy.


Frankie Ray said...

hay Dave allot of us are in the face book group come on by

Dave Fingeroos said...

Dave Fingeroos here again. I have been keeping in contact with Carlos for some time now. Its been great reading all these posts. Hope to hear from B battery guys real soon. Thanks. and by the way, I remember SFC Chambers and his blue '64 Impala.

Tom Woehrman said...

It's great reading all the fine memories of Crailsheim and McKee Barracks as I was there 1970-72 with HHB, 5th Bn 73rd FA.
There's a lot more info on the Facebook pages 'McKee Barracks Alumni' and 'New McKee Barracks Alumni' for those interested.
Tom Woehrman

Dave Fingeroos said...

Dave Fingeroos again.For those that knew me in B battery,here is my

Unknown said...

Hi there, I am searching for my father. I've recently just discovered that he spent time in McKee Barracks in Crailsheim between 1962 and 1964. His name is Leslie Anthony Hill and he was a Sergeant back then. He moved on to Swabisch Gmeund after that where he met my birth mother. I'm leaving my email address and if anyone has any information at all that could lead me to him, I would be so grateful. It is: Thanks. J

Anonymous said...

Hi there, in relation to the above message that I posted. I'd like to contact a few people who left comments here over the years, but I cannot email them directly from here. It's Mike Freymman who was in Crailsheim between 1959 and 1963. Ingrid Humphry, whose husband was based there between 1962 and 1965. Hannelore who was there between 1964 and 1966 and Mike who was there between 1961 and 1966. Please contact me at I would love to talk to you. Jacinta

Tom said...

I just came across this blog. I got there in early spring '73, left summer of '75. Was an artillery surveyor in B btry, 2/42. When I got there they had transitioned to the Lance missile from the Sargent missile (I think). Had a blast, except for the cold winters. Never seen so much snow. Also didn't care much for the annual trip to Grafenwehr. Shared an off post apartment for a while, fell in love with German beer. Fond memories, sad the post is gone..

Anonymous said...

I too was an Army brat when my father was stationed at McKee Barracks with the 1/51 from May '68 to May '70. My father was SSgt Abelardo Lopez and he worked at the Rod and Gun Club also. Some of my best childhood memories were during that time. If I remember right, we lived in 211 A-2. I still have some of the comic books that were an essential part of every boy's toy collection in Crailsheim.

We arrived in Crailsheim a month before the school year ended and Frau Linden (the elementary school German teacher) had no idea what to do with my two sisters and I. So she let us sit in the back of the class and read. The next year we found out just how tough she really was. Because of her, I was able to slide through two years of high school German when we were stationed in LA two years later.

I really enjoyed the field trips to castles and museums around Southern Germany. I especially enjoyed going on exchange trips to the local schools. My wife didn't believe we had been to so many different places until my mom pulled out hundreds of pictures of different places. We went on a 30 day camping trip in the summer of '69 and got to see most of southern Germany and parts of Austria from a Rambler station wagon.

Thank you for sharing with everyone. Too many good times and memories to list here. I have always wanted to return to Germany with my family but have not been able to. The pictures and discussion help a lot.

Anonymous said...

I just came across this site while trying to find out what happened to McKee Barracks. I was on the Base around 1976, married to Glen Bone who was the accountant for the Officers Club. Glen was in Officers Traing School then stationed in Crailsheim. I started teaching in the dependant elementary school. When Glen and I divorced I came back to Crailsheim and worked in the GED program teaching American History and United States Government. I lived with the Schmidts who owned the dry cleaners. Wonderful family! I also owned a pig, given to me by friends of the Schmidts, who I named Damn It. The pig want to work with me everyday and stayed in the yard of the Officers Club. Damn It knew exactly when I got off work and walked to my building to greet me. Funny how smart Pigs are. He was the Base mascot so to speak. Some of my fondness memories are about Craisheim and the Base. I was so glad to come across this site.

Thank you Debbie

Unknown said...

Hi Amy,

I was stationed with SVC Btry, 2/42 and 4/12 from Nov 86 to Jan 90. I was the Supply Clerk until 3 months before I left. To be honest I don't remember who took over when I was leaving as my memory seems to be fading as the time goes on. I do have fond memories of Crailsheim and have been back there several times to visit. It brought back great memories reading about your memories in Crailsheim.

gtp8931 said...

Hi Amy,
I was stationed with the 546 Medical Clearing Company, 56 Medical Battalion from November, 1952 until February, 1955. We were one of the first outfits to open this new base. I was Supply Sergeant and Acting Field First. I still love Crailsheim and visit quite often. My Crailsheim wife and I have been married now for 64 years, so I have many Crailsheim connections.

Unknown said...

Hi Sid, my name is Bill Goodyear
And I was stationed at McKee Barracks from 1976-1977 while you were there. I was in Head Quaters Company and for a short time I drove the Battalion Commander around in his jeep, do you remeber his name? Sergeant Greer and Rodrequis were Headquater 1st Sergeants, I thought Captin Ryan was in charge of Headquarters but I could be wrong. I live in Gilbert, AZ my email is bcgoodyear@outlook and my phone number is 480-330-6518. Take care and hope you are doing well Brother. I went back in 2010 but McKee was no longer ther, I was coming back from Kuwait.

Unknown said...

Hi Pete dis you know Curtis Besand?he was a friend of mine, he has passed now in California. My name is Bill Goodyear

Take care Brother and stay in touch.


Dennis brown said...

I was at McKee. 37th Armor, drove for HQ’s commander. I went there in January 1962 until May 1964. Great memories!!
Dennis Brown, Fort Myers

Anonymous said...

I was at Crailsheim 1973 and 1974. Lance Missile Crewman. A decent job for being drafted in the army. Got security clearances that enabled me to get a good job when I finished my 2 years