Wednesday, May 21, 2008

La Pioggia-Rain

It’s raining yet again! I try to walk 6 days a week and I needed to get out for a good stroll today, but each time I would get dressed, brush my teeth (you never know who you’ll see), put on the arch support and the shoes, the coat, pack the backpack with essentials like Kleenex and a book, get the umbrella, and struggle down the stairs…the rain would begin. I made it as far as the park about 3 times, only to be turned back by cool winds and rain. I am fighting a bit of a cold, and Maria now has a fever, so I didn’t want to risk getting too chilled. The sun is shining brilliantly for the moment, but I can see black clouds frowning across the valley, so the sun is a temporary reprieve. It’s a bit like watching the epic struggle of good against evil played out against the patchwork green fields and muted blue mountains edging the Val di Chiana valley. Evil is winning this week!

I did a little more shopping yesterday. I really cannot help myself. I met an American woman in the shop where I’d bought some silver and amber earrings earlier during my visit. She sold me a beautiful beaded shirt. It doesn’t come anywhere near fitting now, but it’s my “goal shirt” and gives me something to work towards. I will have a big celebration on the day I can wear that shirt!

I also stopped by Casantonio to look for a vase. Maria has a friend who delivers beautiful flowers from his garden once a week or so. He left some beautiful pink roses on her porch this time. Some just buds, others fully opened, and some frowsy and overblown, with soft ruffled edges like a woman’s petticoat. Maria brought me one of the buds and I wanted a special place to put it. I really don’t need any more weight to carry in my suitcase, but I just love the “geometric” patterned ceramics at Casantonio and had admired the vases each time I visited the shop. When I arrived, Lana, the woman who sold me the olive oil bottles and other things I shipped to my mom, was there and also a man I’ve seen there before. He was there when mom and I looked at the shop in September, but she likely doesn’t remember. He is very handsome; silver haired, dark eyed, quite tall and slim. He and Lana both speak excellent English which is a help to me. I chose a vase and as the man wrapped it he commented on how I keep shifting weight from one foot to the other. Apparently I rock back and forth without being consciously aware of it. He said his mother told him it’s a good thing to do, but also you could bend your knees and move your hips a bit, and to demonstrate he did this rather suggestive little hip gyration which had Lana and I in hysterics. I wonder if I will get a hip wiggle with every purchase? If so, you can bet I’ll be shipping more ceramics home. The website is if any of you are interested. You have to dig around the site a bit to find items in the geometric pattern. Every piece is handmade and slightly different, and all are gorgeous! I will include a picture of my vase to give you an idea of what some of their things look like.

There are a number of American artists here. I frequently see a couple, man and woman, always together. One evening they sat on Le Scale where I was sitting and a young college-aged woman struck up a conversation with the man, who was sitting nearer to her. They were discussing art and what artworks the young woman should be sure to visit while in Italy. Well, after about 5 minutes the girlfriend had apparently had enough of that, stood up abruptly, and marched down the stairs. Her partner immediately jumped up to trail sheepishly after her. I never see one of them without the other. She keeps him on a very short leash, and what’s more surprising is that he allows it. It reminds me a bit of how things were when I was married. I tended to insist on being in control and was childish when I didn’t get my way. I was extremely immature and controlling, and truth be told, rather selfish. I realize now that there is no room in relationships for that sort of behavior from either partner and I hope I have grown enough that I will not make the same mistake in a new relationship that I did in my marriage. I seem to have more difficulty in curbing my controlling tendency in my relationship with my children. Yes, as a parent I should have decision making ability, but complete control, no. Something for me to be more mindful of and work to improve.


Anonymous said...

OK, we went to the web site and we decided it must have been Ivo who gyrated for you. We want to know if that is the free gift with every purchase, and if so we want it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link to the shop. I like the vase you bought. It would be so hard not to spend tons of money there! I hope you are feeling better. Looking forward to seeing you in your new shirt :)!


Amy said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG that story and hip gyrating is priceless..I agree we want it. I will check out the site, because your vase is truly lovely!. Hope you have no rain tomorrow, so you can go on y our lovely walks. chris