Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My arrival home on Friday from Firenze brought a wonderful surprise….a package from home! Some of my friends from Central Texas College got together and assembled a care package including paperback books, magazines, books on CD, and some clothing in smaller sizes; 2 pairs of jeans and 4 shirts. I can wear two of the shirts and 1 pair of jeans; although in the jeans I am the living embodiment of the quote “Ten pounds of mud in a 5 pound bag.” Another 8 pounds weight loss or so and the pants will be perfect. My friends also included a lovely note saying they missed me. Such kindness!

I took advantage of this morning’s bright sunshine to walk in the park and as I strolled I realized that I am utterly content in my life here and more joyful than I can remember ever being. Slowly I am beginning to connect with people here. I often stop to chat, or share a hug if either of us needs it, with a lovely American who works at a fun clothing and jewelry store, and one of the nice ladies at the café took my hand between hers and gave it a gentle caress and squeeze this morning. I savor these moments as strangers take a moment out of their busy day to make me feel welcome. These warm encounters nourish my blossoming soul. Such simple things can now bring me such joy.

Maria and her daughter, Laura, invited me for dinner last night. Laura prepared a wonderful Moroccan dish in a special covered terracotta pot shaped a bit like a cone with a hole at the top. Vegetables like zucchini, potatoes, and cabbage were cooked to tender perfection along with chicken pieces and spices like cumin, curry, and tamarind, all served over couscous. I have never had anything like it and it was very, very good! We also enjoyed red wine and wonderful conversation. I haven’t had a “girl’s night” in a long time. Laura and I have a date for Nutella gelato today…if I can wait, that is!

What would you say the chances are that the waiter lives directly across the street? Extremely good, as it turns out.

I stopped to buy a bus ticket to Arezzo from the tobacco shop as I thought I might go tomorrow, if the weather is favorable. Arezzo in the rain is just not a good experience. I’d like to visit the beautiful chapel at the cathedral again and perhaps I shall visit the hideously expensive clothing store. I also need to start thinking about how I shall get to the in Firenze in 3 weeks for my flight to Frankfurt. I imagine I’ll rent a car for a few days so I can see a few last places before I depart for the next chapter of my adventure. I notice that I seem to be procrastinating in making a car rental. Perhaps I am not yet ready to leave this place and the little home I’ve made here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was behind in reading your posts, but I am glad to say that I am now caught up. I am so glad you are happy with your goodies. How long will you be in Frankfurt? If I were you I might be tempted to stay in Italy...but I imagine your money will go farther once you leave there, huh?