Monday, April 28, 2008

This and That

The market was in full swing when I left the apartment at 9:00 this very brisk, but sunny, morning. I stopped for a cup of cappuccino, and then over to the small grocery store for some frozen pizza and olives…you know, the necessities of life. I dropped the groceries off at home, then ran to the internet point, pointlessly as it turns out, because I had no email and was unable to pay my credit card online for some reason. I will have to try again later. As I ran back to the house to drop off the computer, I stopped by the market to buy some nice looking rolls, as our bakery just does not carry rolls of any sort. The man looked at me oddly, until I realized that the rolls were intended for the porchetta off to the side which I had not initially noticed. Porchetta is a whole, cooked pig and not a little one either. I agreed to some porchetta on one roll and am I ever sorry. It was wonderful….crispy, salty exterior slices and tender melt-in-your-mouth interior ones stacked on a wonderful crusty roll. I was truly a thinner woman before I discovered porchetta. I might have to step up my daily mileage output as I know another porchetta man who sits in the car park just outside the walls on Sundays.

I bought a small garlic press as I am not able to crush the garlic as small as I sometimes desire with the rather dull kitchen knife in the apartment, and also a wine pourer/stopper for the white wine I bought the other day for cooking. You know, it took me 15 minutes to get that rubbery stopper out of the bottle and I broke the corkscrew in the process! Needless to say the stopper expanded so much once I’d finally succeeded in removing it that I could not possibly get it back in the bottle even a tiny bit to keep the wine fresh.

I stopped by the ATM for money which I can spend at an astonishing rate, then trotted to the bookstore for a book (I bought two the other day), and some watercolor pencils and paper. I had intended to bring some from home, but with the weight allowance what it is I had to leave them behind. However, I find I am getting rather bored, so need some things to occupy my time. Also, I have been advised to develop my “feminine (creative) side”. Apparently my manly side is well-developed and doing fine. Perhaps that explains the beard. I dabbled with the pencils and enjoyed watching the rather uninteresting pencil colors blossom into a spectrum of lovely hues when brushed with a bit of water. I am no artist, so I’ll just be a little girl playing with her colors.

I likely need to be a little girl sometimes…I was often a sad child and withdrew into my books when the world was unkind as it often seemed to be and I considered books to be my best friends. My inner child needs some love and nurturing so that’s what I’ll try to do. Sometimes I feel a bit lonely, but then I remind myself that I am here to get to know and love me, not someone else. So, if I am alone it’s as it should be. I need to take pride in my ability to adapt to a new and unfamiliar environment and rejoice in the experiences I am having, even if they are small. When I get over the feeling that I look much like Mrs. Potato Head on whom some cruel child has inserted the largest and lumpiest nose I’ll know I’ve made much progress!

I have an amazing capacity to beat myself up. Why? Who knows. I guess it’s complicated. Truly the world beats up on all of us enough without us doing to ourselves, right? So why do I persist in believing what others have said about me, in some cases years ago? Why do I continue to make their cruel and unkind thoughts of me into my own terrible thoughts of me? My goodness, I am a reasonably intelligent woman and I should be able to control my own thoughts! I shall work on that!


Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. It was very muggy, and rainy here in Texas. I managed to get some card making done. Enjoy yourself in the breath taking country..hugs, chris m

Anonymous said...

Don't let those old tapes keep playing in your head! Best to make new ones, easier said than done as the tapes have to be made by your inner voice, not other people's outer voices. I struggle with the same thing on a daily basis!

Anonymous said...

Oh I do envy you and your travels Amy. I agree with Karen not to let those old tapes keep playing in your head. They will jump out at times but just press the end button and realized what a wonderful, funny, pretty and great friend you are to so many people.