Thursday, April 10, 2008


It was time to return the small rental car I’d become rather attached to. I first made a stop in Camucia for a Caffe’ Mocha. They must not be very popular as the man didn’t seem to know what I wanted…or could it have been my Italian? At any rate, it was a yummy treat, which caused another unfortunate episode of a diuretic nature and I had to find 2 bathrooms before I’d even located the car rental office, which I did find without too much ado.

After dropping off the car, with no damage, I’ll have you know, I began walking to the central part of the city to find the bus station. I did have to stop and ask for directions to Piazza della Repubblico (I think every city has one) but located it without much problem. A kind man in the tourist office gave me precise instructions in Italian for purchasing a bus ticket and locating the actually bus stop. Of course, I made him repeat it in English just to make sure I understood it all. Overnight I had decided discard the notion of taking the train in favor of taking the bus. I never like trying anything new!

I had a wait of about 2 ½ hours so I wandered the streets until I spied a small bookstore. Upon entry I noticed the bookshop was well-stocked with books of a religious nature ….and nuns. 3 of the 4 continued about their business, but the 4th……ahhh, that fourth nun. She had me in her gaze immediately. I could feel her eyes boring into my back as I edged back toward the door, while pretending to peruse the children’s section. Mi Dio! She’s detected that I am not Catholic! She KNOWS I have transparent red lingerie hanging in my closet (she probably also knows it’s only been worn once). I nearly broke down and confessed that I have an unused, expired condom rolling around the bottom of my purse. She nearly dragged it out of me without ever having said a word. It was those piercing eyes and commanding air!

Once I escaped the nun’s penetrating stare I ‘rounded the corner to find, of all things, a HILL. Holy mackerel, my mother was right! Tuscany IS full of hills! I dragged my rubber legs up the hill and located a small pastry shop and bar and had a light lunch of tortellini with heavenly ragu’ (meat sauce) laden with olive oil. Yum!

I saw some young teenaged boys at the bus stop, wrestiling around and giving each noogies on the head. They reminded me so of my 13 year old son, Logan, and his friend, Jeff. Boys!! They’re all the same the world over…it’s kind of reassuring.

At the bus stop I asked a young woman for help identifying the correct bus. It turns out she was waiting for the same bus, but would disembark earlier than I. She was kind enough to ask the driver to make sure I got off at the right stop in Cortona. She is learning English and Spanish and was glad to practice a bit, and although her English was little better than my Italian, we understood each other perfectly. Another example of a happy encounter!

By the way, I think I forgot to mention that I saw a sandaled monk at the Coop store earlier this week. When was the last time YOU saw a monk at the grocery store?? It’s truly a different and exciting world here!


Anonymous said...

Amy I am still laughing about the "old" condom in your purse...your so silly! I think its time to throw that one!

Anonymous said...

Amy, I just caught up on your latest postings and so enjoyed reading of your adventures. It sounds like you're having a great time, depsite the rubbery legs :-) Hang in there!! Your doing wonderfully. We missed you in class last week. I will miss tonight's class as our family is visiting, but it's back to the books next week. Take care. Michelle.

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe you wrote this on your web..The nuns, the condom, the lingerie. You are giving me quit the giggles..I check your blog daily to find your new antics. You will have to email me your address. Good luck on your next adventure. Chris