Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Montepulciano and Other Thoughts

I’m very excited that I am able to use my own computer at the internet point, because the computers there could not read my flash drive and I was unable to update my blog until today. I’ve taken some nice pictures and am glad to be able to share them.

I am enjoying a beautiful view out the window as I write this by candlelight. I try to be economical as the utilities here are extremely expensive. Candles add a romantic touch anyway, and I could use a bit of romance!

Yesterday I stayed home here in Cortona. It was Sunday and I was surprised by how many shops were actually open for business, but then this is rather a tourist town. I joined in the passegiata, stroll, which the locals take around town in the early evening. I am too shy to really strike up a conversation with anyone though….and my Italian really just isn’t strong enough to support more than “Hello or “Goodbye.” I do make it my mission to learn a new word each day. It’s remembering the new word that next day that’s the problem!

I was a bit melancholy yesterday. I checked my email Saturday to find no email from my family, and none from my Italian friend with whom I’ve been exchanging email for nearly 6 months. Perhaps now that I’m here he is no longer interested in getting to know me. I confess to sending a rather whiny email asking him if he no longer wanted to write, to which I deservedly received no reply. I am reminded of what my friend, Edie, tells me about having expectations. I don’t THINK I have expectations, but the fact that I was disappointed says that I did, in fact, anticipate SOMETHING. Often I’m like a small child craving love and acceptance. Please like me! I’m nice, I’m funny, and I’m worth knowing! I need to be more mindful of having expectations, either good or bad, of others. It really only leads to disappointment and triggers a negative thought pattern, which I am trying to break. If my Italian misses out on knowing me and looking my happy face, he will never know what a good friend I could have been, but it’s really no reflection on me. After a good cry and a fair night’s sleep, I felt better. Still no email from my family though, when I checked today, but a nice one from Debra…many thanks for being the first, Debra!! It came just when I needed it!

Today I got up relatively early, 7:00, and drove to Montepluciano where I parked and tackled a BIG HILL. The trick is to meander up hills extremely slowly and to have people and stores to watch while I’m walking, as a distraction. I bought a beautiful free-form, glass heart made in Murano. Its dichroic glass so is iridescent and sparkles in a rainbow of blue, green, and gold. Really, I’ve got to quit shopping! I also treated myself to a lovely cappuccino made by a personable (and handsome) Italian man. The price? One euro standing at the bar. It costs more to sit and drink.

Back in Cortona, I sat on the stairs of a public building in the main square, Piazza della Repubblica, and chatted with a Canadian couple, David and Judy, who are touring Tuscany and Umbria for 10 days. There were also some American students there who are studying at a local art school for 3 months. They mentioned it snowed last week! No wonder I am always cold. I purchased a pair of fuzzy slippers at the Coop to keep the feet thawed, but seem to have grown two large, 5 digit ice cubes where my hands used to be! It takes me a long while to warm up enough to fall asleep at night. In looking for a small blanket of some sort that I could cover up with when watching TV, I opened a wooden bench with a hinged seat to discover a pair of hideous marionette type dolls with painted faces. I nearly came unhinged! Truly, I was a much happier woman before I opened that bench. I could have nightmares about those things, but I won’t!


Anonymous said...

Oh Amy, I am trying to play catch up on all you are experiencing. Love the marionette story, I would have nightmares too. If the man does not correspond back, it is HIS loss. You need to forward me your mailing address...but I am much better at email. It has been dreadfully hot and muggy today, wish I had some italian ice..chris m

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud about the fact that you were happier before you opened the marionette coffin...thanks.
Sharon from Dist Ed.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are really there! I'm so excited for you and look forward to following along on your journey! Take Care! Barbara

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! I am so happy for you! Darlene Tii