Monday, December 8, 2008

Lost and Found

Now that I have been home for a week I feel it's time for reflection on this incredible journey and on the person I was, am, and hope to become.

Lost: Insecurity
Found: Confidence in my ability to adapt to new situations and environments.
In Progress: Confidence in my ability to handle anything life throws my way.

Lost: 49 pounds
Found: A new wardrobe! I recently met an old friend for dinner, and as he followed me out of the restaurant he commented, "You're so small!" Believe me, I have never had anyone say that to me before and it feels wonderful.
In Progress: Still working on self-esteem.

Lost: Friends. Dusty, my best kitty friend, and Sharon, who was a constant source of support and encouragement these past months when I was lonely and far from home and those who loved me. Au revoir...until we meet again.
Found: Friends. Perry, Terri, Michael, Maria, Laura, Francoise, Frau and Herr Froehlich, Claudio and the crew at Bar Signorelli, Elona and Antonio at Casantonio, Chiara, Barbara, and Carol.
In Progress: Maintaining those friendships and establishing a new network of friends.

Lost: Exhaustion and despair.
Found: Rest, peace, and a renewed enthusiasm for life. Isn't it wonderful!?!
In Progress: Learning to stay centered.

Lost: A job.
Found: A potential job. Application in progress....

Lost: Frustration.
Found: A higher level of patience and tolerance.
In Progress: Continuing to display tolerance and patience consistently.

Lost: An adversarial relationship with my children, partincularly the elder one.
Found: New ways to handle my frustration and a refusal to let my children draw me into a feeling of helplessness and depression over what I cannot control. I have made opportunities to communicate more open with my boys and the older one is sharing things with me that he has never before shared.
In Progress: Finding ways to communicate more openly and ways to help my boys become independent.

While I have returned to an "old" life, I have returned as a new person. Life is wonderful and I can't wait for my next adventure!

I wish to express my gratitude to all who have helped me in so many ways, both large and small, during the past 9 months. I love you.

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