Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ponte Vecchio-Firenze

Lost and Found

Now that I have been home for a week I feel it's time for reflection on this incredible journey and on the person I was, am, and hope to become.

Lost: Insecurity
Found: Confidence in my ability to adapt to new situations and environments.
In Progress: Confidence in my ability to handle anything life throws my way.

Lost: 49 pounds
Found: A new wardrobe! I recently met an old friend for dinner, and as he followed me out of the restaurant he commented, "You're so small!" Believe me, I have never had anyone say that to me before and it feels wonderful.
In Progress: Still working on self-esteem.

Lost: Friends. Dusty, my best kitty friend, and Sharon, who was a constant source of support and encouragement these past months when I was lonely and far from home and those who loved me. Au revoir...until we meet again.
Found: Friends. Perry, Terri, Michael, Maria, Laura, Francoise, Frau and Herr Froehlich, Claudio and the crew at Bar Signorelli, Elona and Antonio at Casantonio, Chiara, Barbara, and Carol.
In Progress: Maintaining those friendships and establishing a new network of friends.

Lost: Exhaustion and despair.
Found: Rest, peace, and a renewed enthusiasm for life. Isn't it wonderful!?!
In Progress: Learning to stay centered.

Lost: A job.
Found: A potential job. Application in progress....

Lost: Frustration.
Found: A higher level of patience and tolerance.
In Progress: Continuing to display tolerance and patience consistently.

Lost: An adversarial relationship with my children, partincularly the elder one.
Found: New ways to handle my frustration and a refusal to let my children draw me into a feeling of helplessness and depression over what I cannot control. I have made opportunities to communicate more open with my boys and the older one is sharing things with me that he has never before shared.
In Progress: Finding ways to communicate more openly and ways to help my boys become independent.

While I have returned to an "old" life, I have returned as a new person. Life is wonderful and I can't wait for my next adventure!

I wish to express my gratitude to all who have helped me in so many ways, both large and small, during the past 9 months. I love you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have arrived home safe and sound.

I am sorry to announce that a friend from Central Texas College recently passed away unexpectedly. She was extrememly encouraging and supportive of my decision to undertake this journey. She is one of the friends who kindly mailed me care packages of needed items when I was in Italy and always had a kind word when I needed it.

Sharon, you are loved and will be missed more than you could ever know. It has been my honor to know you.

Remember, friends, life is so short and tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Please follow your hearts, pursue your dreams, and LIVE.
